Frequently Asked Questions
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What is St. Thomas East End Medical Center Corporation?
- One of two federally qualified health centers in USVI
- Providing Healthcare since 1978 to the St. Thomas/ St. John District
- 100% private non-profit corporation
- Tax exempt status
- A federally designated Rural Health Center
- Member of the National Association of Community Health Centers (NAHCHC)
- Governed by a board comprised of no less than 51% consumers of health services provided
- Approved National Health Service Corp Site (NHSC)
Who do we serve?
We serve everyone in the community from newborn to golden years. We do not turn anyone away for inability to pay. We have programs to assist individuals regardless of insurance status.
What type of insurance does STEEMCC accept?
We accept all insurance including Medicaid and Medicare. We do not turn anyone away for inability to pay. We have programs to assist individuals such as the Sliding Scale Discount Program. To apply, please click here.
Do you need an appointment?
Appointments are preferable. We have limited walk-in slots available for emergency cases.
Where is our location?
St. Thomas East End Medical Center Corporation is located in Tutu Park Mall. Tutu Park Mall is in Anna’s Retreat, St. Thomas, If you need assistance, please contact 340-775-3700. Please input a map of where Tutu Park Mall is located and a map of Tutu Park Mall.
What are our hours of operation?
Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Call 340-775-3700 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment today using this form and someone will get back to you.
How do I qualify for the Sliding Fee Scale?
The following documents are required
- STEEMCC Sliding Fee Discount Application
- Government I.D (Preferably)
- Last 4 Check stubs
- IF not employed, Notarized letter of supporting income
- Utility bill with a mailing address
- Spouse Government I.D., if applicable
- If minor, need Legal guardianship documents instead
STEEMCC has financial counselors available to assist and counsel patients.
Do you accept private insurance?
STEEMCC accepts all insurance.
What is your source of funding?
As a qualified FQHC, STEEMCC is supported by the US Health and Human Services, reimbursement from the local government, and payment for services rendered to patients.
How can I get in contact with my provider?
STEEMCC has a strict policy on patient confidentiality and holds patient privacy to the highest standard. All policies meet all federal and local laws.
What are your policies regarding patient confidentiality?
You cannot communicate directly with the doctor unless during an in-person or Telemedicine Appointment. To ensure patient confidentiality patients are required to go through the Call Center. The call center will take a message and pass it along to the provider. Please be sure to provide a valid phone number so the provider can contact you.
Does STEEMCC accept Veteran’s insurance?
We take all Tricare plans. We do not take VA Insurance.
I need help with transportation to my appointments
We have vouchers for the VITRAN bus available for patient(s) who do not have access to transportation. Fill out this form and email it to Once approved, you receive two appointment vouchers eligible for transport from home to the scheduled appointment and back home.
Do we have translators?
We have a translating service available phone, which allows us to communicate with our patients.
I need help with finding resources to support healthcare.
We have case managers, unit secretaries, and social workers on staff who can help with linking the resources you need to receive quality medical care.
Who owns and operates the center?
St. Thomas East End Medical Center Corporation is an independent, private, nonprofit federally qualified health center governed by a board of directors. More than 50% of the Board is comprised of STEEMCC patients. It is managed by the Executive Director with the assistance of the leadership team.
What does FQHC mean?
FQHC means Federally Qualified Health Center. FQHC rare community-based healthcare provider that receives funds from the Health Resource and Service Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program to provide primary care services in underserved areas.
Is anyone available to talk with me after hours?
A medical provider is always “on-call” after business hours, on weekends and holidays for emergency situations. You may access the answering service by calling the STEEMCC phone number 340-775-3700. If it is an emergency, please call 911 or go to the emergency room.
There are Hotlines available 24 hours in the USVI:
Department of Health: 340-776-1519;
Stress Hotline: 1-800-985-5990;
Suicide: 1-800-273-8255;
Mental Health: 1-800-950-6264.
Do you accept walk-ins?
We accept walk-ins. Normally, we ask the patient to come in early to schedule an appointment.
How do I obtain my medical records?
To obtain your medical records, please complete this form and email the form to All copies of medical records are $1.00 per page except immunizations and SSA Letters. Replacement of hard copy immunization card costs $17.00. It takes approximately 5-10 business days to complete the request.